Archive for BlackBerry

#TeamCoco Geotagged Tweets Visualized in 2D and 3D (WebGL) Using Twitter’s Streaming API

#TeamCoco Geotagged Tweets Visualized in 2D and 3D (WebGL) Using Twitter’s Streaming API

Visualizing geotagged hashtags or key phrases is cool. I’ve used Twitter’s REST API before, but I have long wanted an excuse to learn how to use the streaming API so I could mine real time data. Some things I learned about the STREAMING API vs…

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Finishing My BlackBerry PlayBook App With A Little Help From You – A Request for Robo Designs

People of Earth, Somewhere between client visits, site launches, a massive internal project and a bad “man” cold, I’ve been able to cobble together something resembling a tablet friendly version of a Robo drawing app for the BlackBerry PlayBook. Here are some teaser screen shots…

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