Maker Festival 2015 – DIY Daft Punk

Over 10,000 people attended the Toronto Maker Festival over the course of two days this year at the Toronto Reference Library. I was one of a hundred makers, presenting “DIY Daft Punk”. This project replicates the Daft Punk’s Discovery Era Thomas helmet and Discovery gauntlets, using a combination of traditional techniques employed by Daft builders around the world and newer digital fabrication methods like 3D printing. It’s built upon the Arduino open-source electronic prototyping platform and other off the shelf hardware. I gave a 5 minute lighting talk outlining how to do this build from scratch without resin casts or lighting kits.

I’ve been working on this build using pockets of spare time over the past year. Participating in the festival really forced me to buckle down and figure out how all the pieces fit together in the two weeks leading up to the event.

The festival experience felt like a elementary school science fair. It was a a lot of fun presenting to a diverse cross section of children and adults. The build made a lot of people laugh, and showcased the power of 3D printing and open-source hardware.

Future plans include prepping the helmet and and gauntlets for molding, casting and chrome. I’ve also started to think about a functional toddler sized Guy Manuel for my 3 year old son. I also applied to the upcoming Ottawa Maker Faire in November, and will showcase any updates I have for the project if I get accepted as maker.


This daft punk helmet is pretty awesome. #diydaftpunk #maker #makerfaireTO   A photo posted by Darryl E. Clarke (@smartssa) on