Sunil John Some of my personal and professional work. - page 3

Adidas Paris – 3D Shoe Designer with Gesture Tek Interface?

Welcome to my first blog post, in the post-IMM era! Right after the IMM Open house and volunteering at FITC 2008 Toronto, I parachuted out of Toronto with my girlfriend for a much needed vacation to Paris (France not Ontario). I had a relaxing vacation…

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FITC Demo Reel 2008

Here’s is some of the stuff I’ve been working on during the last 8 months: FITC 2008 Demo Reel from insultcomicdog on Vimeo.

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FITC Toronto Specific Portfolio

It’s hard to present a completed portfolio while working on final year projects! Here’s a quick and dirty list of some of the stuff I’ve been working on this past year in the Interactive Multimedia post-graduate program at Sheridan College. Current Portfolio – work in…

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Buzzwords and Social Media Sluts

Social Media is media that encourages conversation, community, and collaborative content creation. This fits IMM’s mandate, which is to create interactive content beyond navigation. Wayne MacPhail, is a social media consultant who gave a talk on Mashing Up Social Media and the DIY Community. He…

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From Analog to Digital: The Royal Ontario Museum and Steve Mann

Our field trip to the ROM brought back memories from grade 6, when our ancient civilizations class went on a field trip to look at various skulls of early humans. Clearly the ROM has changed a lot since grade school, the most dramatic of which…

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Developing a Mobile Platform

After polling the class, I’ve come to recognize a lot of the obstacles that arise in developing a mobile applications. A majority of the class don’t have Flash Lite capable mobile devices, and the few that do don’t use flash lite applications because data plans…

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“Independant Interactive Strategist”

Our guest speaker today was Simon Conlin. He works as a consultant and acts as a liason for companies who wish to branch out into interactive multimedia. He is connected to a talented pool of designers, and is co-founder of FlashintheCan, one of the largest…

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GestureTek Technology

Today our class went on a field trip to visit GestureTek Technology, located downtown Toronto. Vincent John Vincent started GestureTek, to support performance art involving virtual instruments. The early iterations of their technology employed an Amiga with 16 colours, laser disks that contained background video…

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3D Panoramas – Comparing QTVR and Flash using Papervision3D Classes and AS2

So here’s my first attempt at creating 3D panoramas in QTVR and Flash using the Interactive Multimedia Lab as a demo. I used a “point and shoot” Canon PowerShot and a tripod. Things to note: – Flash file isn’t optimized for the web – The…

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Visualization Design Institute

Today we visited the Visualization Design Institute at Sheridan College. The lab’s primary focus is computer visualization and simulation. They have implemented this technology in scientific, medical, engineering, educational, cultural and environmental research. Song Ho Ahn demonstrated the Facial Animation Communication Engine F.A.C.E. Using this…

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