Tag archive for FITC

FITC Toronto 2009 Top Ten Round Up

I just got back from volunteering at FITC Toronto 2009. I HIGHLY recommend volunteering. It’s a great way to attend the sessions for free and meet amazing new/old talent in the interactive field. I’ve come away from the conference with a lot of new ideas…

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FITC Demo Reel 2008

Here’s is some of the stuff I’ve been working on during the last 8 months: FITC 2008 Demo Reel from insultcomicdog on Vimeo.

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FITC Toronto Specific Portfolio

It’s hard to present a completed portfolio while working on final year projects! Here’s a quick and dirty list of some of the stuff I’ve been working on this past year in the Interactive Multimedia post-graduate program at Sheridan College. Current Portfolio – work in…

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“Independant Interactive Strategist”

Our guest speaker today was Simon Conlin. He works as a consultant and acts as a liason for companies who wish to branch out into interactive multimedia. He is connected to a talented pool of designers, and is co-founder of FlashintheCan, one of the largest…

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